Eric Rheims

Eric Rheims

partner, attorney-at-law

He effectively combats counterfeit goods, particularly fake luxury goods, medicinal products and dietary supplements. Cooperates with the police and customs authorities in order to protect clients’ rights.

He advises clients from the luxury goods and pharmaceutical markets in enforcing the protection of their intellectual property rights. He specialises in uncovering the structures used by organised crime, including in criminal proceedings, and in identifying assets and securing profits derived from crime.

He is also experienced in combating the piracy of computer software (having advised, among other clients, a leading producer of operating systems and an international association of software producers).

Eric is recommended in international legal rankings: WTR 1000 (since 2014), the Legal 500 (since 2013) and Chambers & Partners as World’s Leading Trademark Professional for giving “outstanding advice” and being “the region’s best advisor on enforcement”, “incredibly motivated”, someone who “makes you feel you’re his only client” or "An excellent, effective lawyer with a flair for dispute resolution, Rheims efficiently combats all IP infringements. Any brand owner that works with him immediately notices a significant improvement in service quality”.


  • French (native)
  • English
  • Spanish
Legal 500, 2018

“Top-notch, responsive and dependable’ team that ‘knows the law and its clients’ needs"

WTR 1000, 2018

“Hasik Rheims & Partners is going from strength to strength in Poland”

WTR 1000, 2018

„He hits the news in 2016 when he shut down one of the world’s largest counterfeits medicines factory."

WTR 1000, 2018

“Hasik Rheims & Partners is going from strength to strength in Poland”

  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Law and Administration 
  • Catholic University of Louvain, European and International Law
Professional Experience
  • Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak
  • Wardyński i Wspólnicy
  • CMS Cameron McKenna
  • “Przestępczość farmaceutyczna” [“Pharmaceutical crime”] (an outline of the problem), Kwartalnik Prawno Kryminalistyczny [Criminal Law Quarterly] 3 (32) 2017, co-author
  • Przestępstwo sprowadzenia stanu powszechnie niebezpiecznego dla życia lub zdrowia poprzez obrót środkami farmaceutycznymi niewiadomego (nielegalnego) pochodzenia” [“The offence of causing a condition that is generally hazardous to life or health by trading in pharmaceutical products of unknown (illegal) origin”], Kwartalnik Prawno Kryminalistyczny 3 (28) 2016, co-author
  • Declared average fuel consumption (on unfair market practices), Polish Automotive Industry Yearbook 2013
  • The rim of fortune turns. Trading in counterfeit car parts and accessories, Polish Automotive Industry Yearbook 2012    
  • “Mineralna woda brzegi zdroju rwie. Spory cywilne i gospodarcze. Przykłady z praktyki” [“Mineral Water Overflows from the Spring. Civil and Economic Disputes. Examples from Practice”], LexisNexis 2011, co-author
  • “Google v. Copiepresse – bolesny początek wojny” [Google v. Copiepresse - the Painful Beginning of a War”], co-author
  • Poland. Pharmaceutical Advertising. A practical cross-border insight into pharmaceutical advertising, The International Comparative Legal Guide, ICLG 2010, współautor
  • Social media and personal data protection: Publishing of 30-years old photos requires the consent of the pictured, Gala Gazette Vol. V, Issue II z10 marca2010,współautor 
    Behavioral targeting, Gala Gazette  2010, współautor
    Green Marketing Law: A Global Legal Perspective. Poland, Country Report Gala Gazette 2010, co-author
  • Custom rules for IP owners, Managing IP magazine  październik  2009, co-author
  • Poland: Domestic legal framework of Sales Promotions,  International Promotion Marketing Law Book, PMA 2nd edition 2008, co-author
  • Advertising to Children in Poland, Young Consumers,  Emerald Group Publishing Limited vol 8 No 3/2007, co-author
  • Advertising in Poland. Case reports,Gala Gazette 2006, co-author
  • “Podróbki drogich leków odkryte w przepakowalni” [“Counterfeits of expensive drugs discovered in repackaging centre”], Aleksandra Kurowska, Gazeta Prawna, 28 August 2017
  • “Studenci na celowniku firm windykacyjnych” [“Students Targeted by Debt Collection Companies”], Polish Radio RDC, 15 July 2014.
    "On the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees", Łukasz Kuligowski Rzeczpospolita, 19.01.2013.
  • "The new EU Tire Label – What does it tell you?", Łukasz Kuligowski, Rzeczpospolita, 31.10.2012.
  • "On amendments to the Polish Industrial Property Law", Sławomir Wikariak, Eric Rheims, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 16.10.2012.
  • "Patent Wars Turn Tech into a Battlefield", komentarz dla Polsat News TV: Biznes News, 25.06.2012.
  • "90 minut: on the future of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) after its rejections by the European Parliament", TVN CNBC TV, 4.07.2012.
  • "Internet Freedom Charter, simple PR or an obligation?", Sylwia Czubkowska, Eric Rheims, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, 23.05.2012.
  • "European Court of Justice to rule on legality of ACTA", komentarz dla Pierwszego Programu Polskiego Radia, 12.04.2012.
    "On SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) regulations", TVN CNBC TV, 18.01.2012.
  • "On fake drugs and related risks",TV Biznes, 26.11.2010.
  • "On counteracting counterfeit medicines and organized crime", Superstacja TV, 24.11.2010.
  • "On criminal proceedings and investigations in intellectual property matters", capital24 TV, 14.01.2010.

Intellectual property
and media law professionals.

Pl. Trzech Krzyży 10/14
00-499 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 22 299 60 70
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ul. Marokańska 2s lok 4
03-977 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 579 066 338
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