dr Aleksandra Sewerynik

dr Aleksandra Sewerynik

attorney-at-law, choir director

An expert in copyright, particularly in the music industry.

She knows how collective management organisations work and is experienced in working with them. She is the only expert in Poland preparing integral music-law comparative analyses of musical works in the context of plagiarism. Her clients include artists, authors, actors, musicians, talent managers, advertising agencies, music banks, production companies and talent agencies.

She is a highly valued lecturer who conducts courses and trainings on copyright throughout Poland. She lectures at the Fryderyk Chopin Music University in Warsaw and in the “Music in the Media” post-graduate course at Collegium Civitas. Since 2018, she has also been working along with the H. Grocjusz Intellectual Property Rights Centre.

Since 2020, she has been cooperating permanently with the Music Export Poland Foundation, providing pro bono legal advice to artists. 

She is an expert witness in the field of music, in particular music plagiarism and copyright law, at the District Court in Warsaw.


  • English
  • Italian
(Krzysztof Czeczot, producent, aktor, reżyser)

“Professionalism, extraordinary knowledge of the intricacies of copyright, and skill at negotiating delicately but with determination.” (Krzysztof Czeczot, producer, actor, director)

prof. Katarzyna Dudek-Kostrzewa, UMFC

“The classes run by Aleksandra Sewerynik are rated very highly by participants. Always perfectly prepared both in terms of content and technically.” prof. Katarzyna Dudek-Kostrzewa, UMFC

dr Tomasz Nowak, Instytut Muzykologii UW

“The audience found that Ms Sewerynik is someone who can explain even the most knotty problems in an understandable way.” dr Tomasz Nowak, Instytut Muzykologii UW

WTR 1000, 2018

“Hasik Rheims & Partners is going from strength to strength in Poland”

  • Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration (2005) 
  • Universita degli Studi di Teramo (2004)  
  • Fryderyk Chopin Music University, Faculty VI specialisation: choral direction (2006) 
Professional Experience
  • Błeszyński i Partnerzy Radcowie Prawni (2005-2013) 
  • Sewerynik Prawo Autorskie (2013 – 2016) 
  • Utwór muzyczny jako przedmiot prawa autorskiego [A Muscial Work is the Subject of Copyright], C.H. Beck 2020
  • Ustawa o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. Komentarz [The Act on Copyright and Related Rights. A Commentary], ed. A. Michalak, Art. 85-103 (related rights), C.H. Beck 2019 
  • Prawo autorskie w instytucjach kultury [Copyright in Cultural Institutions], CH Beck 2019 
  • Prawo autorskie w muzyce [Copyright in Music], Wydawnictwo UMFC, 2014 
  • Ochrona elementów składowych utworu muzycznego [Protection of the Components of a Musical Work], Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego No. 2/2013   
  • Blog prawomuzyki.pl 

Kwartalnik UPRP [Polish Patent Office Quarterly]:   

ZaiKS News: 

Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper: 

Awards and distinctions
  • main prize in the 3rd and 4th editions of a competition on media information about subjects related to the protection of intellectual property, organised by the Polish Patent Office,
  • distinction in the 5th edition of a competition on media information about subjects related to the protection of intellectual property, organised by the Polish Patent Office,
  • 2nd prize in the 17th edition of a competition for the best academic paper on the theme of intellectual property, organised by the Polish Patent Office.
After work

Sings, runs choral projects, composes (Psalm 139

Intellectual property
and media law professionals.

Pl. Trzech Krzyży 10/14
00-499 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 22 299 60 70
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ul. Marokańska 2s lok 4
03-977 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 579 066 338
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