Daniel Hasik

Daniel Hasik

partner, attorney-at-law

(+48) 603 787 757
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An expert in the protection of intellectual property as broadly understood.

For 20 years, he has been advising within the scope of protecting and exercising intellectual property rights: trademarks, patents, industrial designs, copyrights, personal rights and new technologies, and pursuing acts of unfair competition. He prepares strategies for managing and protecting clients’ rights, especially with regard to trademarks, including outside of Poland.

He regularly represents clients before the courts, the Polish Patent Office and the EUIPO. He supervises and coordinated disputes whose scope is international. He has extensive experience in negotiating and reaching settlements. He also prepares various kinds of agreements, including license and distribution agreements, as well as assignments of rights.

He lectures at the H. Grocjusz Intellectual Property Rights Centre, and is a frequent speaker at trainings and conferences.

Daniel Hasik is regularly recommended in international legal rankings: the Legal 500, Chambers, WTR 1000 (World Trademark Review), IAM, and IP Stars.


  • English
Chambers, 2019

“Interviewees characterise him as a "strong thinker, logical and pragmatic." He is also praised for being "very business-minded."

WTR 1000, 2019

“Businesses feel comfortable leaving their toughest cases with Daniel because it’s clear he understands and loves his job.”

Legal 500, 2019

“The ‘outstanding’ Daniel Hasik is noted for his ‘hands-on mentality, candour and enthusiasm”

WTR 1000, 2018

“Hasik Rheims & Partners is going from strength to strength in Poland”

  • Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration (summa cum laude, 2000)
  • Utrecht University, Faculty of Law (1998)
  • English and European Law Center organised at Warsaw University in cooperation with Cambridge University (1998)
  • Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration, post-graduate studies in Intellectual Property Law (summa cum laude, 2001)
Professional Experience
  • CMS Cameron McKenna (2008-2011)
  • Linklaters (2001-2008)
  • Sołtysiński, Kawecki i Szlęzak (2000-2001)
  • INTA (International Trademark Association)
  • PTMG (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group)
  • Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz [The Industrial Property Law. A Commentary], ed. Arkadiusz Michalak, co-author
  • The seizure by customs authorities of counterfeited goods: the ruling by the European Court of Justice in Blomqvist v. Rolex and the changes brought about by regulation (EU) No. 608/2013, ERA Forum 16(1) July 2015, co-author
  • Aspekty Prawne [Advertising. Legal Aspects], ed. M. Namysłowskiej, Wolter Kluwer 2012, co-author 
  • Patent Litigation in Poland, Global Patent Litigation, ed. W. Hoyng, F. Eijsvogels, , Kluwer 2006, co-author
  • Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements in Poland, International Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements, Sweet & Maxwell, ed. R. Christou , London 2003, co-author


  • Czwartkowy Przegląd Prasy [Thursday Press Review], 5 December 2013. 
  • Jak ochronić znak towarowy [How to Protect a Trademark], 27 April 2010.

Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper:

Gazeta Prawna daily newspaper:

  • Marketingowa rywalizacja na boisku [Marketing rivalry on the pitch], 13 June2008. 
    Commentary [in]: 550zł zapłacą internauci, którzy rozpowszechniali w sieci film „Czarny czwartek” [Internet users who distributed the film Black Thursday to pay 550 zlotys] 

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00-499 Warsaw

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