IP portfolio management

Trademarks and other intellectual property rights are an important asset of every business. Even when a portfolio of marks grows significantly, we  make sure it is properly protected, not only in Poland, but also around the world.

We are experienced in managing large companies’ portfolios containing dozens of marks. This requires excellent organisation and  skilful coordination of workflow. We work together with a network of tested and renowned foreign law firms operating on the most critical markets such as the USA, China, India and Brazil, and everywhere the goods or services of Polish businesses are found.

We provide comprehensive legal services within the scope of protecting trademarks and other distinctive marks, as well as industrial designs.

We also advise on the optimal, comprehensive management of rights in cooperation with tax consultants and property appraisers.


we conduct trade mark watching of domestic, European and global registers and markets in order to detect infringements of our clients’ rights,

we conduct due diligence reviews of portfolios of marks and designs in order to select the best protection strategy,

we make entries and changes in registers, including assignments of rights, licenses, changes of address, changes of a company, etc.,

we monitor the scope of protection and take care of fees for extending protection,

we prepare license, assignment and pledge agreements, and letters of consent.

Intellectual property
and media law professionals.

Pl. Trzech Krzyży 10/14
00-499 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 22 299 60 70
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ul. Marokańska 2s lok 4
03-977 Warsaw

tel: (+48) 579 066 338
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