On the fine line between fair competition and parasitism
The Act on Combating Unfair Competition introduces a catalogue of prohibited acts of unfair competition, which include, inter alia, imitation which may mislead, unfair advertising and false labelling of goods and services. However, it is not an exhaustive list. Currently, it is generally accepted that Article 3 of the Act on Combating Unfair Competition may constitute an independent basis for recognising an action as an act of unfair competition.
Giants in the mobile app market
For several months now, we have been witnessing an extremely interesting dispute between Epic Games Inc. and Apple Inc. Although the case is being recognised in the United States, its outcome may determine the future shape of the global mobile app market. The manufacturer of iPhone and the App Store creator needs no introduction. Epic Games, on the other hand, is a well-known developer responsible for creating such titles as Gears of War or Fortnite. Epic Games is also known to gamers and game developers as the producer of one of the most popular engine series for computer games, i.e. Unreal Engine.
Apple and Epic Games have worked together for years. App Store is one of the most important platforms, along with Google Play, for providing mobile device users with access to applications created by developers, including Epic Games. The availability of games and other applications in App Store and Google Play translates to their success. As a result, the ability to work with Apple and Google largely determines an app's visibility and its developer's revenue. However, the rules governing App Store and Google Play have long been criticised by developers.
Zdecydowana większość konsumentów jest świadoma występowania zjawiska kopiowania produktów, oznaczania ich podrobionymi znakami towarowymi oraz ich sprzedaży. Obecność na rynku podrobionych kosmetyków, odzieży czy obuwia jest dobrze zakorzeniona w powszechnej świadomości. Podrabianie niektórych innych produktów może jednak być zaskoczeniem dla ich potencjalnych nabywców i prowadzić do nieświadomego nabycia towaru nieoryginalnego.
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